yeh i couldnt help myself if some survived a nuclear blast he would have to look like this...

Hello true believers my Radioactive Crusader.....
Totally decked out. some sunnies, tarnished cape...actually didnt want him to have one as per the incredibles...make a compelling arguement....and some minor alterations to the costume....i like the nuclear symbol to be reversedand some snazzy design stuff!

Alright here's mine... As you can tell i've used a reference from someone (wink, wink)

I just can't wait for Sean one.

Click to get a larger image... Cheers ^_^


Haven't done one of these in a long time now...

So to get started we are going to do another one. Today's ingredient it's none other then Radioactive Man

As usual these are the rules.
- Given 24 Hours to do the subject given.
- You create it anyway you like it

So Sean "Up AND ATOM!!!"


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