Here's something i whipped up in Painter. I painted this picture cause i was looking for something around me to draw/colour and this Chewie action figure was the closest thing i could find. Upon finishing it i tried to put in a background but it just look crap since i suck at bg's so i just left it white. *shrugs*

My main goal was trying to get down Ashley Wood's style. Which never happened... lol

It looks alright now but come tomorrow and i could probably find a few things wrong with it.

Time - 1hr
Tools - Painter7

Well enjoy

Garden State

So I finally got watching Garden State, why i never watched this movie earlier I’ll never know maybe because it was an indie film made in 2004. But now that i have I’m glad that i did.

This is a pretty good movie as there's really no laugh out loud lying on the floor moments in this movie. It just more the awkwardness and interaction from the characters in the movie that make me laugh.

The movie starts off with Andrew Largeman (Zach Braff) a waiter at a Vietnamese restaurant whose on a plane going back home to New Jersey upon hearing from his father that his mother has just died.

Here the movie picks up as Andrew meets up with his old buddies that start with a party of booze and drugs. Where he finds himself the next day at his friend’s house and decides to go to his doctor's appointment arranged by his dad. While waiting at the doctors he befriends a girl named Sam (Natalie Portman) who happens to be giggling at what's happening to him while waiting for his doctor and from here the movie just flows.

Zach Braff is pretty convincing as awkward struggling actor who finds happyness from his friend Sam. But the star of the movie for me was Natalie Portman character Sam who's such a sweet and quirky girl that i absolutely loved from the moment she appeared on screen. How she doesn’t have a boyfriend before he meets Andrew will leave me puzzled but she’s definitely gf material here. Hehe :D

Garden State is movie filled with the old cliché of finding that person who brings you up when your whole life is down. Yeah its been done to death and not that I am one of those that loves those chick flicks if anything I avoid them but the movie went from a to b so well that there wasn't any point during the movie I thought about grabbing a shotgun, placing it in my mouth and pulling the trigger. So with that I’m giving it 4/5. I would have given it a 3.5 but i enjoyed the soundtrack and thus giving it the 4 ;)

p.s arnarkin will probably ignore/hate this movie since he hates Zach Braff but hell if I hated a movie for starring someone I hate then I would have never went and saw The Departed ;) *Leo DeCaprio*

Just Various sketches 1

More sketches with added superhero like poses and study of the head...

Then i decided to try and draw the king of Sparta, Leonidas.

Comment, critique, whatever.

Time will tell whether all this drawing does me any good when i draw without the book. :D

So i bought a copy of Bridgman's Complete Guide to Drawing From Life. I've had it for about 1month now and have yet put the book to good use since purchasing it upon hearing it from various pro comic pencilers giving it major props.

With that in mind I’ve decided to give the book ago, so tonight i will be sketching various things from whatever topic is first from the comic book and follow through.

What i really want to do is try and learn as much as i can from each chapter then implement that into comic stuff. But my main goal will be trying to see if i can get better with a drawing (or more) a day, no matter what object/person/thing I am drawing...

*warning* what you will see here will be my raw bare bone drawings, there will be no eraser once I’m done... once it's up its up, for all to see my crappy drawings.

You'll will really enjoy this if you've seen the movie 300. ROFLMAO


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