Bahahahahahahahahaha... Forget being a penciler, drawing dirty things is where its at.

man every time i go to this place i get more and more depressed, these are just some guys that i have been following or have jus found recently..

apparantly this is the new guy in the IFS

do you remember any park bart, well hes pog form - he worked for top cow and now is a conceptual artist...he even worked on god of war 2

this guy i have known about for a while, his early work was a bit stiff but you cant deny his tight artwork or that hes grown tremndously unlike me...


Given the go-ahead to make their hard-R flick, the Brothers Strause are steering clear of the PG-13 traps that rendered their predecessor so despised that an "AVP" podcast recently declared, "The only thing [director] Paul [W.S.] Anderson did correctly was bring people closer together in their community hatred of him."
Hahahah... That was music to my ears
Hot Sauce

Who would have guessed that a Pelican can eat a duck???

Official Iron Man online trailer up. This probably looks like Marvels best comic book movie since Spiderman/X-men. I can imagine the scene with Iron Man flying with the fighter jets are going to sound awesome. Plus they put Ozzy Osbourne's, Iron Man as the theme music... Kick ass

My only complaint is Gwyneth Paltrow with that awfully orange dyed hair.

So whose going to see Daft Punk when they touch down in 22nd December. After seeing there live show... I so wanna go.

Iron Man promo up... Only 2 days until the official trailer goes up for the fan boys to see :).

Wanna see a clip of Superman Returns: The directors cut

Part 1

Part 2

Tell the Whitehouse they need to get this guy if they want to end the Iraq war.

ROFLMAO. An oldie but its a goldie.


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