New Battle

Well since no one has volunteered to offer a new idea for a battle...i have taken it upon myslef to think of one...seriously its thursday and nothing has been initiated...

anyway i have itching to do a fantasy for a while now...i was thinking of designing an orc...but i think its time to do something i think a fantasy female heroine would be a nice change...

to more not too fond of the red sonja outfit/costume...its not very iconic aside from the red hair...


1. must have red hair

2. must have a sword as main weapon

3. redesign costume

(arn out)


  1. infinite said...
    Ohhh... This is a hard since women arn't my strong point which should be because i think about em 24/7..

    Will do Arn... and deadline is same time Monday 12pm yeh. No later and no later yeh
    infinite said...
    Greasy Greasy Greasy Greasy Greasy Greasy

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