Real Deal

Hey sorry for the delay...i actually thought i could have some extra time to work on this but i suck...and im lazy so i didnt do much to it...

Anyway heres my lame entry

The reasoning for my design was that i wanted to play up the alien aspect of SUPERMAN's heritage....despite where he is be it earth or somewhere in space...he's always an alien.....

in anycase i also wanted to play up his MAN OF STEEL aspect of the character so i gave him a kinda...armour....not really to protect him, but to enhance his powers...since he's solar powered...i figured why not have a suit that would make him more powerful and keep him energised so he could dispatch villans faster and spend more time saving ppl???

anyway my version doesnt look like superman....oh and i changed the symbol to reflect my alien supes.....

1 Comment:

  1. infinite said...
    Dude i wasn't goin to accept but seeing how crap your supes is... Only joking its pretty darn good man.

    Next battle will be more on time and everyone has to post before the 12pm deadline! alright.

    Winner has to be Arnarkin's :D

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