Dunno about Joe Mad doing concept work? Knowing the way he works i don't think its him (hard to tell) as he really take long to work these things... plus he's doing Marvel comics aswell... hehe
I hope its a good game. Looks alright fighting and action didn't show much but definately looks promising.
Is it just me or does the main character look like a generic version of the comic Soul Saga or Metroid Prime?
It's good that they've taken cues from Deveil May Cry and God of War games these games are very tight in the hack/slash genre.
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I hope its a good game. Looks alright fighting and action didn't show much but definately looks promising.
Is it just me or does the main character look like a generic version of the comic Soul Saga or Metroid Prime?
It's good that they've taken cues from Deveil May Cry and God of War games these games are very tight in the hack/slash genre.
Would be cool if we could get close up shots of the character...