Games newz

Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock

Any game that includes Tenacious D automatically gets a +2 in my book. Oh, and I have a promise for you...the next time I see "...goes to 11!" in an article, I will fly to that person's location and punch them in the face. I get it...Spinal Tap...awesome.
Guitar Hero 3 is the first Guitar Hero title developed by Neversoft after taking over the reigns from Red Octane (who got bought by Mtv). The formula hasn't changed...5 notes scrolling from top down, hit corresponding notes on your guitar, totally rock out.
The graphical enhancement on this one is freakin' awesome. It was shining brightly on the 360 we saw demoed. One level had your band rocking out in a strip club with two exotic dancers swinging around on poles as you played. The developers said that was a fun motion capture day. I can imagine.
Oh, and Judy Nails...well...she got some enhancements in this game. Wow. You'll have to see it once the game comes out, but she certainly seemed much more...uhm....Jessica Rabbit?
New to Guitar Hero is the heads up match play. Basically you play versus an opponent and instead of star power you receive different types of attacks. Some involved "cutting a string" where you had to pound on a fret until your note worked again, there was "amp overload" where suddenly your opponents notes would start flashing in and out, "double notes" where everything was doubled, "increase difficulty" which bumps your opponents level up, "lefty flip" which would swap your opponent to the opposite fret setup. All looked like fun and would bring plenty of chances to attack your best friend with a guitar.
To end the demo one of the lead developers came out, explained how he hates wires and proceeded to completely smash the fuck out of a Guitar Hero controller. I feared for Crecente (from Kotaku) and N'Gai Croal's (from Nesweek) lives as they were within shrapnel range. No one died though and the developer went on to say that there would be no more wires in the Guitar Hero series. YOU CAN'T STOP THE METAL.
I'm totally amped up for this one...get it.."amped" up? I slay me.

Spider-Man: Friend or Foe

This was out of left field for me. I hadn't heard anything on this game until I saw the trailer and then saw the live demo at our press event.
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe pits you (as Spider-Man) against some of the classic villains from the three movies...and as you beat them, they become a part of your team. So, you can be running around with Dock Ock and Spidey whaling on bad guys.
The team behind it says they are trying to infuse a light-hearted approach to the game...more of a comic book style Spidey with witty dialogue and what not. Oh, and at one point during the trailer we caught a glimpse of both Harry as Green Goblin and his father as the Original Goblin...the ultimate Goblin duet. Insanity!
The game plays like a cross between the Ultimate Alliance titles and Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. You get the wide angle on rails view of your fighter as they run around pounding away on the baddies. I'm sure we'll be getting more info on this one as it comes closer to could be kind of neat to run around with your buddies as various Spider-Man villains. Eh?


  1. infinite said...
    Hey dude hate to be a wet blanket but can you post up the Website you got the info from. I doubt anyone checks our site but... i just don't want some journalist asshole telling us we can't put that information up cause we don't reference back.

    Snootch to the Boootch

    P.S. I never got a chance to return that sweater Lois gave me for Christmas. Umm, I left the receipt on top of my bureau. I'm probably over the thirty day return limit but umm… I'm sure if you make a fuss they'll at least give you a store credit or something. Umm.. It's actually not a horrible sweater. It's... It's just I can't imagine when I would ever wear it you know? Oh I also left a button on the bureau. I'm not sure what it goes to, but I can never bring myself to throw a button away. I know that as soon as I do I'll find the garment it goes to and then it'll… Wait a minute, could it be from the sweater? Did that sweater have buttons? Hmm… Well I should wrap this up before I start to ramble. Again, goodbye forever.
    P.P.S. You know, it might be a little chilly in London, I'm actually going to take the sweater.
    Anonymous said...
    yeh i know im too lazy and have too short a break to actually re fraze soem of the info - but at least i can post!!!! wahoooo

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