The Happening

woohoo M. Night Shyamalan is filming a new movie with mark wahlberg specifically in mind.

Based on a screenplay by Shyamalan, the movie will tell of a global environmental disaster that threatens the existence of mankind. Wahlberg will play a father who takes his family on the run while Leguizamo will play his best friend.

I loved unbreakable my fav movie!! the village also gets honourable mention.



  1. infinite said...
    Unbreakable was a top movie. Yet to see The Village, well have seen but only parts of it.

    I didn't think anyone is going for M.Night Shyamalan these days after hearing how dissapointing his last movie was.

    Sounds intresting. I hope it isn't a made movie just for global warming.
    Anonymous said...
    yeh lady in the water wasnt as good as it should have been - actually based it on a childrens book he wrote for his kids.... so that may have been a sign?? lol

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