Jason Stantham is a great actor, he was so great in Snatch, Transporter and Lock Stock, but it's just unfortunate that he can't seem to break out BIG big time like he deserves... So hopefully this war movie goes good. There are other movies he is upcoming in: The Brazilian Job (2009) (announced) .... Handsome Rob Death Race (2008) (pre-production) The Bank Job (2008) (post-production) .... Terry
Yes Jason Statham is top actor. It is sad that he has been typecast as action guy. He's got a lot of potential... kinda like Sean Bean, Top guy and has loads of potential but he's like the token white guy in every movie his been in... LOL
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The Brazilian Job (2009) (announced) .... Handsome Rob
Death Race (2008) (pre-production)
The Bank Job (2008) (post-production) .... Terry
Peace Out