OK so there's been talk of a JLA film that is supposedly to be a Superman Returns sequel. So I did a little searching and someone posted up there dream cast for a JLA movie. What do you think?

As for Michael Trucco I definately see him as Superman, He looks straight from Jim Lee 'For Tomorrow' Superman.

I agree with everything except for Wonder Woman who i think Cobie Smulders (Brunette in 'How I met your mother') should take.

Michael Trucco for Superman :)


  1. Anonymous said...
    im hearing rumours that its going to be digital like beowulf, as both bale and routh have not been signed on for this pic.... which makes sense...they are going to have to go 1 billion to make all these effects work... xmen isnt on a grand scale like this when almost most of the team can fly....
    Anonymous said...
    and further more how can they conceive of making a jla pic when wonderwoman is supposed to be re envisioned by joss whedon?? with the cast i have to say this guy is dreaming if he thinks nathen fallon will play hal jordorn green lantern, hes a serious character and as much as i love his work in serenity, no way is the studio going to back a bunch of no namers...and forget scarlet johanson as black canary, or that dude for green arrow...they're going to keep it small supes, batman, flash, martian manhunter, green lantern and wonder woman (possibly aquaman) - thats my 2 cents anyway
    Distressed Jo said...
    OMG this is so fascinating!!!
    Anonymous said...
    sorry to correct myself whedon is no longer attached to wonder woman
    infinite said...
    and David Goyer was once attached to direct The Flash with Ryan Reynolds as the lead.

    Well WB gave the role of Superman to no name Brandon Routh... So don't discount anything... hehe

    JLA could work but it is way too early to be doing something like this.

    I've said it before and i'll say it again The Superman franchise needs a TOTAL REBOOT with a clean slate and have no ties to Donners Superman universe or some vague sequel bullshit.

    breakdown *does a b-boy pose*
    Anonymous said...
    that is very true they should solidify the holy trinity supes batman and wonder woman before even trying to realise the jal. the only reason routh got the job was becuse of synger, brett ratner left cos they couldnt find a big name that would suit supes. did you know arnie's salary for his movies is 25 mil?? thats already a quater of the budget...

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