darkchylde movie

Just wanted to give a heads up that the first filmic images have been captured of Darkchylde, based on the comic of the same name. I am intimately involved, as is 5 time Oscar Winner Richard Taylor (King Kong, Lord of the Rings) and Weta Workshop, and Dark Horse (Hellboy).

Story revolves around a very pretty girl's curse that allows her to transform into different creatures from her nightmares. Ariel Chylde is a physical pandora's box, and these creatures borrow her blood and bones to hitchhike over to our world. Everytime Ariel changes, she sets a different creature free in her small southern town.

man i remember this book being hot like for 2 mins back in the day when bad girls used to be the staple in the late 90's


  1. infinite said...
    Lol i saw this about 2days ago and found out that it wasn't worth posting since the movie will be like the comic...

    Let's just be fair and call this Witchblade2... heheh 'Why are you all looking at me like that? You know its the truth'
    Anonymous said...
    its funny you should mention that they are actually making another witchblade movie!!

    check out imbd
    infinite said...
    Are you serious???

    I reckon it would be more feasible to make a tv series. It just need a good tight writer and a season to season continuation format ala Lost, Heroes.

    Well i'll probably give Witchblade2/Darkchylde a miss unless i hear that's its worth watching.

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