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Apparantly Len Wiseman the director of underworld 1 and 2 and live free or die hard is in talks about directing gears of war and a remake of escape from new york which is like why bother?? i thought its good for itys time and is a cult case im surprised how much the guy over at AICN hates his work...bastard you go make a movie!!!

1 Comment:

  1. infinite said...
    Ugh why do they bother...

    Escape From New York should just lay to rest.

    I don't want to see remakes i want to see continuity. Sort of like Snake Plisken called back into action one last time or something.

    As for GoW i don't know but if Underworld is anything to go but then i'm expecting this to go straight to dvd :D ... I only hope Len Wisemen does a good job on Die Hard 4.0

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