They’ve never done it right,” he added, explaining why Robin has always seemed so dorky in the past. Asked how he’d change the Robin story, Ventimiglia offered up a single word that speaks chapters to comic fans: “Nightwing.
I would have never came up with it but the power absorbing dude Peter Petrelli from Heroes wants to play Nightwing. Looking at him he does resemble Dick Grayson aka Nightwing. Which i reckon is a top idea, since he looks very similar to Dick Grayson.

Only problem is that you ain't going to see that happen for a while and Nolan has to be very careful if he was ever to introduce him into the Batman universe he created because it can make or break the whole Batman franchise.

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1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    honestly i cant see it happening i mean a jla movie is one thing to introduce robin into the fold especially when peter petrelli is clearly so much older doenst make any sense...a possible nightwing spin off is the most likely scenario but then again they have a whole cast of other heores to use isntead of a batman rip off

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