First let me say that I'm against this idea of a JLA movie. I might hate Superman Returns with a passion and wanted it to fail miserably because watching a 2.5hr movie of some Super Dead beat dad mooping around is not my kind of Superhero movie because Superman, the greatest superhero deserves better, ALOT BETTER then what that hack Bryan Singer gave us.

I don't know what to think because on the one side I'm happy and laughing at all the Superman Returns lovers but at the same time I don't want to see Superman being jerked around like this.

All of this makes a lot of sense. Moriarty over at Aint It Cool ran a news item this weekend saying that Warner Bros execs were looking closely at the Justice League script, which had been done lickety-split. Miller just made WB a bunch of money with his CG penguin film, and they’re feeling pretty high on him. And the buzz going around is that the Man of Steel movie won’t happen but that the next Superman feature will essentially be this.

Well, now the same source is now telling me that GEORGE MILLER the writer director of MAD MAX, BABE and the recent Oscar winner for HAPPY FEET is circling...get this...Warner Brother's JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA!

Latino Review

My spidey senses are tingling at the truth to all these rumours because Latino Review were one of the first that got the scoop that Heath Ledger was going to be The Joker.

Time will tell if DC/WB choose the right path. I reckon they are keeping a close eye on The Watchman since its similar to JLA.

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    honestly i thought singer should have done a better job with that movie...super kid?? wtf didnt he listen to kev smiths kryptonite condom theory??

    in anycase jla movie would be 10x the budget of xmen...given that everyone flies..and they are THE GODS of the superheroe universe

    but yeh that would interefere with subsequent batman movies???

    i understand xmen going from franchise to wolverine franchise..but not the otehr way round...

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