Well since no one has volunteered to offer a new idea for a battle...i have taken it upon myslef to think of one...seriously its thursday and nothing has been initiated...
anyway i have itching to do a fantasy for a while now...i was thinking of designing an orc...but i think its time to do something different...so i think a fantasy female heroine would be a nice change...
to more specific...im not too fond of the red sonja outfit/costume...its not very iconic aside from the red hair...
1. must have red hair
2. must have a sword as main weapon
3. redesign costume
(arn out)
Some designs that i almost ran with but had to put aside coz they resembled to closely other designs that had already been done.....ill let you guess which one looked a little too much like electric blue superman and robert kirkmans invincible's father (seriously the only writer to live up to the hype)
Hey sorry for the delay...i actually thought i could have some extra time to work on this but i suck...and im lazy so i didnt do much to it...
Anyway heres my lame entry
The reasoning for my design was that i wanted to play up the alien aspect of SUPERMAN's heritage....despite where he is be it earth or somewhere in space...he's always an alien.....
in anycase i also wanted to play up his MAN OF STEEL aspect of the character so i gave him a kinda...armour....not really to protect him, but to enhance his powers...since he's solar powered...i figured why not have a suit that would make him more powerful and keep him energised so he could dispatch villans faster and spend more time saving ppl???
anyway my version doesnt look like superman....oh and i changed the symbol to reflect my alien supes.....
I was pondering about how to design SUPERMAN and i realised I couldn't...superman was too big a character for me to tackle so i chickened out and just drew this......
ok we have our 2 finalists the others (including me) were too shit or just plain lazy bastards to submit their entries ontime. with that said we have 2 kick arse entries in that just took superman to another level and man.....
So who take sit whose Cuisine rains Supreme.....
(votes end on friday....to vote email arnarkin@hotmail.com or infinite@gmail.com)
Commentary for my superman.
Ok so it was 2 in the arvo and i was flipping through various Superman comics to get info on this iconic superhero.
When Arnarkin first choose Supes, i was kind of amped as sometimes this is needed for Supes since he is kind of dull and boring at times. But after going through numerous sources and recreating Supes... I had a feeling this was going to be harder then i thought.
So where did I begin, first i thought he needed a little bit of armour. Not so much in the heavy armour as batman or anything but something light and a lightness armour that still gave him a presence of heroism and at the same time still hold the superhero icon thing.
Secondly was the cape given that his cape was his thing I didn't want to do anything crazy or else it wouldn't be Superman anymore. Thus making me design a collar thing that's connected to the cape. Then i decided that it would look a little cooler if he had shoulder pad thing which connected to his cape and logo hence the armour thing,
Thirdly was a redesign of the logo and i must admit at the time looked alright, but if i had to re-do it now i would of went for something a little more round. My initial idea was to based the new logo on the symbol that was used in Smallville TV show.
Lastly was the markings on his head. This was a quick one at the last minute i decided to put in my initial idea was to have him with long hair but i thought that if he did the trademark s shape curls won't be there but after a hard long though i went this guy has enough S's on his body so i gave him alien like markings on his face. As with the markings it also
I'll probably lose this one due to missing element of having his super powers not being there.
Can't wait for Arn and Greasy's Supes, EraserX was pretty nice kinda amazed how quick he did his.
Its like friday....and i have yet to commit to a final design.....preliminary viewing is on tommorrow and i have nothing to show....
I have to say it was pretty bold of US...well me to suggest a re-design of one of the most recogniseable characters in the history of the world....we should have done something simpler like...the Pantom...LOL....seriously no more superheros for awhile...
Anyway like i was saying this is frigging hard...the initial idea i had for this particular battle was to say hey...what if superman hadn't been invented yet....what if he was invented now....or later...what if he was invented in the 60's......thats where the idea evolved from.....the desire to see what we (contemporary artists) would come up wif...
Doing research for Superman and trying to see what had been done what hadnt been done and incorporating whats recognisable about the character was in hindsight a foolishh idea.... i mean everytime i went away form what we know about superman the less he was superman...the more i tried incorporating superman elements the more he looked like the original design....
So yeh wat im trying to say is im gonna lose this one.....im going all out wif my superman and yeh im gonna lose..
(arn out)
My good mate Arnarkin just made a devianatart account so head over if you wanna check out his personal artwork. That is all.
Oh and just had my secret santa, i walked away with Champagne bottle *shrugs*
Alright due to Arnarkin contant bugging for me to post here i've decided to post here more often because he has posted more then i have in the past 2wks then i have since i started this board...
But seeing tho nothing intresting happens in my boring ass life... But i'll give ya an update on my Superman battle, its been hard just redsigning him but still carry the same kinda pulling power that his previous design has. But i did nail down a new logo and hair style for him...
Well to kick thiI've decided to do a weekly posting of people that need to a drop kick. Well to kick things off who better then these 2 people.First one for this week is Judith Lucy, Reason just watch her on tele and its her material and her sarcasm to everything, when she tries to crack a joke plus its also her mannerism... "Um... you know". No i don't know BIOTCH! and not every comment from you needs to have your unfunny jokes BIOTCH!.
Second person is Tom "Mother F--king" Williams. Why you ask? Over exposure and needs a king dropkick to the f--king skull to remind himself that he's got nothing . Sure he might be nice guy or a total dick but he reminds me of Paris Hilton... Just too much coverage for nothing . Also it shited me up the wall that they replaced Grant Bowler for this drop kick, who i think ch7 on put him there to get female viewers.
The 'Battles' are a weekly thing starting Monday and final entries are due on Sunday
The Winner or Winners are Selected on Monday, (we will be judging amongst ourselves...since theres a few of us now) and the new theme is established, starting the whole mess again.
The reason for a week is so that everyone can have time to work on their ideas and at least have something to show by the end of the week.
(i know...WTF is this dude)
Entries can be in Pencil, Ink or Coloured..... any medium can be used....digital or traditional...
Have Fun
Oh and Infinite plz post something on this....... this is your blog??? That goes for you too Assassin...
*WARNING: CHALLENGERS plz be warned if you read this it could contain info or ideas that could skew or influence your design so be warned....The idea came to me late at night on the 1st day of the 2nd challenge. I was sitting there in my room looking for inspration for the next battle theme when i looked at my superman figure and he looked totally badass with the red eyes (BATMAN hush version), instantly the idea of superman and what he is...what he stands for entered my head and i had the new idea for the 2nd battle.
OK...SUPERMAN....you'd think he'd be easy to re-design...basic colours, the boring original suit..WRONG!!!
I keep thinking about what makes SUPERMAN so iconic...so recogniseable to most ppl...is it his symbol...is it the colours on his costume...is it the cape... maybe...(you can still recognise him without it)....is it his pose... his movement....his benevolent attitude???
The answer to the above is yes.
An artist once said the key to any great character is a good silouhette... BATMAN has his TRADEMARK ears...SPIDERMAN has those cool creepy poses..... but SUPERMAN? Your thinking he's like 1 in a million a heroes in a cape, BATMAN has a cape.. but he has the ears to set him apart from the rest... NOT TRUE, if you see any work with SUPES in it just look at his pose, the chest out, arms at his side, heroic pose, instantly you think supes he's the achetype for all heroes and thats why he's the foucs for the 2nd battle.
I hope you enjoy what is to be the hardest and most interesting battle yet...(i say yet but we only had 2 so far).
Anyway catch you in 7...
If your seeking to participate plz send your works to
and if your good enough and post consistently you could be part of the team...
we still have 3 spots left
SUPERMAN... reinvent the man of steel
1. must have symbol somewhere on his body e.g 1 or tons like the riddler
2. Must have trade mark powers ie. arctic breath
3. must have trade mark colours incorporated in overall design ie, red yellow blue
4. humanoid form.. key word being humanoid, can be anything you want 2 arms or 4??
So who takes it, whose cuisine rains supreme....
Ok since this is..was our first post we didnt really think it through how this was going to be judge if it was going to be judged, who was going to judge it or what areas to judge on.
Well we did think of some of those but nothing was finalised.....so who takes it, whose cuisine rains supreme....
the entries are in
Ok ladies and gentleman the first battle was established on Thursday but started on Friday.
The rules are simple. A theme is established, specifics are put in place and you have a week to draw!
With that said the first battle that was established and the theme was agreed upon... a male Water Superhero/hero.
Hey guys, keen to check out the artwork on this site! (test)
Oh shit its on...
can i swear here...?? who cares i'm just excited to finally get off me butt and get this thing started!
Alright just moments from this post me and my good pal Sean aka Arnarkin thought about doing something like the gelatometti2 ... So from here me and my mate are going to draw/battle every chance we get...
So given its our first battle its going to be concept art battle with the theme Water hero/super-hero... I'm so rusty it ain't funny and given that my friend has a big head start drawing nearly everyday for the past 4 yrs, i'm going have my ass handed to me on a silver platter.
Join us tomorrow when i'll post up the 2 images for you to compare...
Cheers ^_^