Check it out guys... I quite like this design because he looks a psychopathic bum, what gives him the uniqueness for me was the socks, who the eff wears socks like that lol :p

Click at your own risk

So what do you guys think???

There's been a lot of talk about HD and DVD and 1080i/p... yadda, yadda. But if you want to see the difference go to this site. Wait for it to load then move the slider with the mouse and you'll see significant difference from DVD to HD. Difference

Oh just so you know 1080p HD projector goes for $17K :o . WTF???


before you click on the above link just know that im very dissappointed with what i thought was to be a faithful adaptaion of an awesome comic book. for those of you who have not read tow cows/mark millars wanted i suggest you should before watching what im sure to be utter crap.

wanted is supposed to be about some 2 punk loser who finds out his estranged father is a supervillan (think gifter if he was bad) and that hes been assassinated and now said guy is being recruited to replace his father in an international criminal organisation (trust me its much better to read the book)

starring angelina jolie i shouldnt have been so surprised that they would have changed it so that it wasnt so far fetched


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