
Edward Norton turned down the role of Harvey Dent in The Dark Knight (2008) in order to play Banner in this film.

Director: Louis Leterrier

this is the guy who did transporter and transporter 2......Jennifer connally actually turned declined to reprise her role....will it be good time will tell!

also more trivia!!

Summer Glau auditioned for the role of Kitty Pryde. She looked to Joss Whedon, who gave her a part in "Firefly" (2002) and Serenity (2005), for advice because she knew he was a big X-Men fan, unaware that he had written the "Astonishing X-Men" comic book for Marvel, featuring the storyline about the mutant cure. Her audition script turned out to be pages from issue 5 of Joss Whedon's Astonishing X-Men book.

Channing Tatum (top left picture) would have played gambit if singer stayed on to direct xmen

Just heard this over at AICN. Apparently Transformers is getting an all animated show. I so fucking hate the style they have gone for and making all superhero-ish like, Don't get me wrong i like that style but it does not suit Transformers.

If anything they should of went with a origins story with a season 1 on how Optimus Prime and Megatron became enemies and base it on the Transformers novel 'The War Within'.

Here a what Cartoon Network said.

Cartoon and Hasbro execs said the new series, "Transformers Animated," will be significantly different than the others, adding humor, never-before-seen characters and a new premise in which the Autobots fight evil humans in Superhero fashion much more frequently than they battle the Decepticons -- the traditional "Transformers" lore since the property launched as a toy in 1984.

"We've used the basic Transformers and characters as a springboard, but then we're pretty much reimagining the whole thing," said Bob Higgins, senior vp programming and development at Cartoon Network. "What we're doing with it is basically turning it into a superheroes story. We're really excited that we're able to take this decades-old property and hopefully turn it into something that kids haven't seen or expected from a Transformers series before.


QT is my hero - someone tell me where this is from???

This chick is my new Wonder Woman :) .

I read over on msn news that my favourite current wrestler Chris Benoit has died :( .

On June 25, 2007, Benoit was found dead in his home, along with his wife, Nancy and his son, Daniel. No information is yet available about the cause of his death.
Probably the best technical wrestler ever.

R.I.P Chris Benoit aka Rabid Wolverine, you will be missed.

My Chewie

MGS2 Trading Figures, 2 Predator trading figures and in the back Conan vs Gorilla

Bottom from left to right. Street Fighter collection, Batman Hush collection, top shelves McFarlane Dragon series

Spawn 12" Wings of Redemption

Spawn, Trigun, Anakin, Dante and Wolverine toy.

Latest toys. Megatron/Optimus Prime revoltech's. Beside are 2 EVA toys.

this guy is pretty talented some long pauses but overall a great effort

yeh right we can do this!!!!!!

ROFL. Don't know WTF this is about but it cracks me up. The funniest is a 1.55 where he does these little floor flips.


ROFLAMO. Those crazy japanese are at it again. Now this is what is needed in Australia and not some stupid game show with suitcases and an overated z-class Australian celebrity.

Love this song and has been playing on my iTunes for the past couple of days non-stop. If this is the direction Jamiroquai is going for his soon to be released album then i'm loving it.

Enjoy :D

Well here it is boys and girls the new suit Bruce Wayne will wear in The Dark Knight is revealed. What do you all think???

Me personally i reckon it looks totally badass/cool but its not the suit i was hoping for. I really wanted the suit to look like a cross between Batman Begins and the comic, with the final look looking something very similar to the comics/cartoons.


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