

Looks alright... I'll say one thing the Wachowski Brothers have kept the look of the film very faithful to the cartoon even the dude wears the same blue polo shirt lol.

Laters munchers.

It looks fucking sweet. I love the smeared Batman logo, reminds me very much of the 'Silence of the Lambs' movie poster where the lady's mouth is made up of moths.

I really hate the new batman look, sure the first movie put a more realistic spin on the whole year one batman movie but he looks like a gay power ranger...

that being said i like jokers look as i originally stated i just wish people would listen to frank miller the guy who gave us batman year one and the dark knight returns and kept the falmboyant aspects of the character instead of tryingto make him work in the real dont even want me to get started in the whole look of gotham...

click here for the pics

apparantly according to hollywood sources and AICN megan gale has been reported as the strongest rumour to play the amazon me

personally i kinda agree that aesthetically she does look the part as wonder woman is slightly built any thoughts??


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