April 4, 1979 – January 22, 2008

Crap this was so unexpected/sad to come to work and hear this. Although I didn't really take notice of Heath as an actor he's portrayal of The Joker aka Clown Prince Of Crime was what made me take notice of him and I was very looking forward to seeing him play The Joker. As he was such a left field choice.

As of now Heath's death reminds me of The Crow, Brandon Lee and his late father Bruce Lee who stared in Enter the Dragon. With Bruce having to die of prescription drugs and having just finished what would be his last movie, which ultimately made him a legend.

All I know is that on July 18, 2008 when that cinema goes dim and the world watches The Dark Knight, Heath will no doubt be immortalised and leave us with what could possibly be THE BEST Joker the world has ever seen.

The reality is once its all said and done, with the credits rolling I know its going to a very bittersweet moment for the fans alike because fans will get The Joker they've all been wanting for years but at the same time, it will be the last time Heath will ever grace our screens.... and with that...

See you on the other side Clown Prince of Crime.


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