China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating withoutCame across this weird rule that is going to be imposed soon in China/Tibet. Hot Sauce
government permission. This article is both hilarious and sad, looking
at the lengths to which a government will go to regulate thought
through censorship. It also goes into some of the more subtle politics
of the current 72-year-old Dalai Lama as he thinks about his political
and spiritual successor. The Dalai Lama 'refuses to be reborn in Tibet
so long as it's under Chinese control.
Labels: Weird
Ladies and Gentlemen... I give you Miss South Carolina
0 comments Posted by infinite at 8/28/2007 10:55:00 amAt least she's got her looks :p hehehe
Labels: Funny Clip
OK so there's been talk of a JLA film that is supposedly to be a Superman Returns sequel. So I did a little searching and someone posted up there dream cast for a JLA movie. What do you think?
As for Michael Trucco I definately see him as Superman, He looks straight from Jim Lee 'For Tomorrow' Superman.
I agree with everything except for Wonder Woman who i think Cobie Smulders (Brunette in 'How I met your mother') should take.
Michael Trucco for Superman :)
Ok about my previous posts - Beowulf (not to be confused with Beowulf (1999) starring Christopher Lambert) is being directed by Robert Zemeckis (The Polar Express and cast away so you know hes handled 3d before and also can do good drama)
and written by Neil Gaiman (reinvented sandman and created mirror mask and stardust) & Roger Avary (Silent Hill Crying Freeman, Pulp Fiction True Romance Reservoir Dogs and is apparently writing Driver, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Beowulf)
Now the directors (Colin Strause and Greg Strause) of the new avp r have done a lot of visual effects for Rise of the Silver Surfer, 300 and X-Men: The Last Stand just to name a few check out afull list here
and the writer Shane Salerno has written shaft and Armageddon so you know your going to get a very action orientated film!!
hopefully we'll get 2 great films...hopefully
Labels: Movie News
Finally a fitting aliens vs predator where the predator is kicking major ass, unlike Paul W.S. Anderson's version where one alien could kill a predator (may god have mercy on us all)...also look for the dual shoulder cannons and a new whip weapon!!
Ok you probably have heard or seen this movie but apparently this is supposed to be the restricted trailer showing more adult orientated themes and scenes.
was born as Jean-Claude Van Varenberg
nicknamed "The muscles from Brussels"
His father introduced him to martial arts when he saw his son was physically weak. including Shotokan Karate, Kickboxing, Taekwon-Do, and Muay Thai
Former multiple World Kickboxing Champion Don "The Dragon" Wilson offered Jean-Claude a "$100,000" bounty match to get into the ring and fight him. Van Damme brushed off the "challenge" as a publicity stunt.
had a successful kick boxing career at age 18 in the European scene
- 18 second knockout over Germany's Eric "Basel" Strauss at a tournament in Antwerp, Belgium
- A few months later at Iseghem, Belgium, Van Damme knocked out Emile Leibman in the first round
- After fighting on the under-card of the main event between France's Dominique Valera and the U.S.A.'s Dan Macaruso in Brussels, Belgium, in which he knocked out a fighter named Verlugels in 2 rounds
- was defeated by a Belgium fighter named Patrick Teugels at age 19. Teugels goes on to become Vice-Champion of the World. In a rematch a few months later, Van Damme revenges his defeat by beating Teugels in less then two minutes
- record was 9-1 (9 knockouts)
did some action movies in Hong Kong. left for Los Angeles, where he was trying for 5 years. He took English classes while working as carpet layer, pizza delivery man, limo driver
thanks to Chuck Norris he got a job as a bouncer at a club. gave Van Damme a small role in the movie 'Missing in Action'and then as a villain named Ivan in No Retreat, No Surrender
Actor Jean Claude Van Damme recently claimed his buttocks were so tight he could crack walnuts in them and said it was the moves he learnt doing ballet that made them that way
go to imbd for more van damme goodness
Labels: Fun
Reborn Foxhound Unit aka Beauty and The Beast Unit
2 comments Posted by infinite at 8/24/2007 09:46:00 pmLabels: Metal Gear Solid 4
man frank miller is getting a stellar cast for his new film the spirit - samuel l jackson, scarlett johanson, now eva mendes
and michael bay is creating more controversy over his apparant departure from the transformers 2 sequel only to later withdraw his comment over the hd dvd vs blue ray battle that certain movie compaines are aligning themselves with (that guy is a serial blogger, never thinks before he posts)
justice leagure movie may be a 3d movie
and russell crowe is supposedly in dark knight according to christian bale..??
I'm currently changing the website around to get a new look. It seems the site looks fine in Mozilla Firefox but is all hacked up in Internet Explorer. If you see any bugs lets us know???
Labels: Metal Gear Solid 4, Video Game
So why am I so excited about this new PUNISHER? First off - they got that bastard from ROME. But more than that - it's Lexi Alexander. Watching GREEN STREET HOOLIGANS and seeing how she made Elijah Wood a Badass... can you imagine what she's going to do with Ray Stevenson? Go check out her latest blog on this: Right Here!All these movies that didn't fare too well are getting a reboot... Could this mean that Superman is getting a reboot :)
Labels: Movie News, The Punisher
McFarlane says "I want to create (an interpretation) that has a 2007 wow factor. You’ve still got Dorothy trapped in an odd place, but she’s much closer to the Ripley from ‘Alien’ than a helpless singing girl."This looks interesting and somewhat promising, I hope the stylish approach is similar to the movie 300. I don't have anyone in mind to play Dorothy but I wouldn't mind seeing Natalie Portman :) .
Hot Sauce
Labels: Movie News, Oz
"Feast of Love" producer Tom Rosenberg tells that you can expect an announcement shortly about another installment in the "Underworld" franchise.Sean will be definitely happy about this... Heheh. I want to see Kate as Catwoman :)
Hot Sauce
Labels: Movie News, Underworld
Labels: Dance
New Line has released the trailer for "Harold and Kumar 2," which has gone online on ( Check it out below.
Harold & Kumar 2
hope its good
Labels: Funny Clip
Looks good... Love the vietnamese name part hahahaha. Definately seeing this when it comes out in September 23rd :)
Labels: Superbad
Check out the pics that have supposedly been leak. Looks like to me Bruce Wayne is setting up his temporary Batcave pretty nicely with his 8 monitor computer... hehe
I reckon they were intentional leaks. Be warned they may be spoiler-ish. Hot Sauce.
Edit: Well it seems WB have taken down the pic and I've still got them up. I doubt anyone ever reads my blog but if they ask then I'm going to take them down.
Labels: The Dark Knight
Labels: Funny Clip
This is a follow up to infinites blog about someone you find oddly beautiful it has to be for me kate sometimes she can look absolutely radiant and the next some junkie woman - reminds me of that seinfeld episode when the woman changed appeareance under different lighting
Labels: Celebrities
You've seen them all before but check these 'Before and After' retouching. Can't believe Halle Berry needed retouching she looks practically the same. lol
Hot Sauce Go to the Portfolio link and check the images.
Labels: Fun
R.I.P Mike Wieringo (June 24, 1963 – August 12, 2007)
2 comments Posted by infinite at 8/16/2007 09:21:00 amThe comics industry lost a luminary this weekend - Mike Wieringo passed away Sunday of a sudden heart attack. Details are still sketchy as of this time, but according to close sources, the acclaimed artist had chest pains at some point during the day and called 911, but the responders did not make it in time.Damm Mike Wieringo passes away. I've always enjoyed his art. Shocked that it happen to him who seemed like the healthiest person. :(
R.I.P Mike
Labels: Artist, Mike Wieringo
Labels: Cool Clip
apparantly ice cube is going to developing a comic book movie with dimension (whens the last time you heard them do something note worthy besides van dam movies)
It's kind of a BATTLE ROYALE-ish tale about a man who receives a letter that appears to be a piece of junk mail telling him that he's in a competition with 9 others. The idea is whomever is left alive wins. He throws it out, not paying it any mind... until a man with an ax appears at his doorstep.
sounds interesting
apparantly george a romero is doing yet another zombie flick - get this - a cross between blair witch and night of living dead...his movies may have been cool back in the 70's but creating 1 dimentional characters who do nothing better than badly act and die really easily isnt a good movie...
new line and peter jackson are going to mend their bridges pertaining to the new hobbit movie currently in the outcry has forced one exec who ledgedly owes jackson a nice cut of the multy billion dollar franchise to bury the hatchet and get him involved
in other news voltron is going to be set in a post apocaliptic new york and mexico?? wtf
kevin smith is making a porno..j/k hes making a new film titled "zack and miri make a porno" where Rosario Dawson just dropped out, but apparantly Jason Bateman will play the male lead.
And Warner Bros to buy rights to "Maintenance" a comic book from oni press for McG to produce and possibly direct.
man the news on this movie is going through th eroof!! man infinite we need to be at these cons...i cant wait to see this movie not really a ledger fan but looking forward to eckharts 2face!!!
I remember a month back me and Arnarkin were talking about getting tatts over a late night dinner and me and you had the same idea about getting one of the Vampire hieroglyphs seen in Blade movies. Well I've found a site that has them all and shows what each symbol represents.
The KOBEJITSU glyph is probably the most likely I'll get on wrist.
Hot Sauce
Labels: Tattoo
Well enjoy and see you on September the 24.
Labels: Heroes
Finally got around to watching Casino Royale after hearing so many mixed reactions from 'Top Bond flick' to '...Close the shop, Casino Royale is crapola'. So with that in mind i decided to watch it and judge it on its own merits.
When I first heard they were doing a Casino Royale and QT was interested my interest in the new 007 skyrocketed because he was going to bring Bond back to his 007 roots and make into his own arthouse flick. But QT never got the job and someone else was going to do it but base it on Ian Flemming book Casino Royale and said that it was going to be grittier and more realistic which was cool because the last 007 flicks have really sucked balls.
The movie Casino Royale has some cool action scenes especially in the beginning where he chasing some dude through the construction sites of Madagascar but then I find myself feeling weirded out it at the same time because it feels too much like the Bourne series and that there lies the biggest problem I think i had with Casino Royale.
After watching it I can say that Daniel Craig is not Bond material. Because his deliverance of Bond was anything but crap. When he talks it sounds like a mumbling idiot, plus he doesn't even look the Bond part, he looked more like Bond villain more which could have been easily done if you slapped a knife slash scar across his face. I would have chosen Christian Bale for 007, because in my head i picture 007 as someone like Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins, a playboy of sorts and bit up himself but you don't hate the guy because he's so darn good.
As for the Bond girls well you can never go wrong. ;)
So with that i give the movie a 3/5.
Labels: Movie Review
The plan had always been to follow The Ultimates with an X-Men relaunch where I would write the three main X-books and we were going to have Hitchy plus two other artists on these books for a year. I plotted my stories way back in 2004 so this is something we'd been planning for ages. We were very enthused, spoke about it on the phone almost every day and just kind of took it for granted this is what we were launching in January 2008. But last year someone casually mentioned that JMS was leaving Fantastic Four and they didn't have a new creative team in place. I tried to block it out of my head, but for the rest of the call I was just nodding and pretending to be listening, thinking how great it would be to write the real Fantastic Four book. This is like getting the keys to the family car as far as the Marvel Universe is concerned. Maybe even more than Spider-Man.I know these guys are pretty hot stuff in the comic world. But i haven't read a lot of there stuff but there Ultimates run was pretty cool. Which reminds me to get some of their stuff when I'm down at Kino's. Hot Sauce
Labels: Comics
appanrantly tarantino is being invited to Cinemanila to receive a lifetime achievement award for promoting Asian films.
very courteous of him to accept since he's so well known...good for him!
They’ve never done it right,” he added, explaining why Robin has always seemed so dorky in the past. Asked how he’d change the Robin story, Ventimiglia offered up a single word that speaks chapters to comic fans: “Nightwing.I would have never came up with it but the power absorbing dude Peter Petrelli from Heroes wants to play Nightwing. Looking at him he does resemble Dick Grayson aka Nightwing. Which i reckon is a top idea, since he looks very similar to Dick Grayson.
Only problem is that you ain't going to see that happen for a while and Nolan has to be very careful if he was ever to introduce him into the Batman universe he created because it can make or break the whole Batman franchise.
Hot Sauce
Labels: Movie News
The original version of the logo was a simple black bat against the grey color of the batsuit. Variations of this design have been used since the character's first appearance until 25 years later. In 1964, Detective Comics #327 introduces the Bat-logo as a yellow ellipse behind the insignia against the grey color of the batsuit after Julius Schwartz decided that the symbol with the yellow oval would make Batman look more contemporary.Check out the history behind some of the world's most famous logos.
Hot Sauce
Just wanted to give a heads up that the first filmic images have been captured of Darkchylde, based on the comic of the same name. I am intimately involved, as is 5 time Oscar Winner Richard Taylor (King Kong, Lord of the Rings) and Weta Workshop, and Dark Horse (Hellboy).
Story revolves around a very pretty girl's curse that allows her to transform into different creatures from her nightmares. Ariel Chylde is a physical pandora's box, and these creatures borrow her blood and bones to hitchhike over to our world. Everytime Ariel changes, she sets a different creature free in her small southern town.
man i remember this book being hot like for 2 mins back in the day when bad girls used to be the staple in the late 90's
'Why're you here soldier?!'
'To make this land safe!'
'Why are you here soldier?!?!?!?!'
'I'm here cause i'm just bored!
Labels: Funny Clip
Managed to snag these 2 comics yesterday. Since i was really bored and decided to purchase a few comics to read something on the train ride home from work.Arkham Asylum:A Serious House on Series Earth
Writer: Grant Morrison
Artist: Dean McKean's
I decided to pick this up because I've heard such good things about this book and was in the top 20 recommended Batman titles to read.
The book takes a look at Arkham Asylum (AA) and why Batman's deadliest foes are kept here. At the first few pages of the book your given a look into AA from the man that set this place up and how AA came to be. Then flash forward to the present day and it's Batman kicking ass in Gotham we've all known to love where he is called on by Commissioner Gordon as The Joker has overtaken AA and demands Batman to come AA alone if he wishes the lives working at AA to be spared. Once Batman makes it into AA, The Joker starts playing on the mind of Batman and shows him that he isn't that much different from the lunatics kept in here.
Dean McKean's artwork in this book is beautiful as the images are painted. But not in your typical Alex Ross but more of a surrealism way and gives you this feeling that AA is for the really sick and twisted. Batman as a whole is hardly ever shown but more blended in to the background with ears, mouth and bat symbol highlighted given this feeling that batman is nothing more then a ghost. If i had the money i would have loved to have purchase his canvases.
AA story is somewhat weird because it jumps back and forth without giving you anything so it might be a little hard to see what's going on. But the overall book is a nice take on AA and what makes these nuts kept in there by AA. In the book it gives a 3rd eye view of The Joker and a few of Batman's enemies such as Mad Hatter, The Croc and 2Face
If I had to sum it up in one sentence i would say its 'Alice in Wonderland meets Batman and Seven'. Not your canon book for Batman as I found out on wiki that it has only been a vague referenced of Batman's time in AA but its definitely a book to read if you wish to find out about AA and the people that are kept there.
Batman:The Long Halloween
Writer: Jeph Loeb
Artist: Time Sale
If your a fan of Batman and Jeph Loeb then this is the definitive book to get. I've seen this book so many times placed on shelves but was always hesitant to getting due to Tim Sale's artwork. But after reading Batman:Hush i had loved what Jeph did with Batman so i decided to give this book a go.
The Long Halloween is believed to take place after Batman:Year 1 and goes into depth about how 2Face came about. It also gives account of the various crime families running Gotham City and its biggest crime family captain by Carmine 'The Roman' Falcone. The story begins with Gordon, Harvey Dent and Batman making a pact to rid Gotham of the criminals and in doing so a new criminal appears nicknamed Holiday, because of the slaying of various members of the criminal family on special holiday events creating a war between the Falcone and his biggest rival Sal Maroni. In the turn of events it pushes Falcone to employs the psychopaths of Gotham such as Poison Ivy, Scarcrow and Mad Hatter.
Tim Sale's artwork in here is brilliant it took time getting used to it since I'm used to today's traditional artwork stylings but here the artwork compliment the writing and vice-verse. Frank Miller's work might have more substance but Tim's work here captures Batman and the mood of the book better. His got some pretty cool iconic images of Batman especially one that pretty much captures the whole book and is this one. I absolutely love that image.
My one complaint would be that it dragged on a little bit but i guess that meant to happen with the title given. But Jeph does a solid job setting up all the key players in the book and showing how 2Face came about.
If the movie The Dark Knight is anything to go by then we are definitely going to see The Long Halloween as a blue print for the new Batman movie. Since Eric Roberts has been recently cast as Sal Malroni and it's a perfect way to introduce Harvey Dent.
Labels: Comics Review
man gotta give it to jackman the fame hasnt gone to his head..yet - nicole kidman arrived to the set of her new movie and was whisked quickly (like 2 secs) to a private vehicle still inside the airport does jacky boy show up?? economy flight and then walks through the gate and catches a taxi...what a legend!!
must think he still has a healing facctor -sknt!!
Got sent this information this morning. Pretty cool news about physicist being able to manipulate gravity or something rather and making things float.
The force is due to neither electrical charge or gravity, for example, but the fluctuations in all-pervasive energy fields in the intervening empty space between the objects and is one reason atoms stick together, also explaining a “dry glue” effect that enables a gecko to walk across a ceiling.I always thought it was possible to do this with the use of the positive and negative polars in magnets (I think that's what they are called?)... but my friend said it wouldn't work because the floor would then be needed to be magnetised. *Slaps forehead* 'D'uh'
Hot Sauce
Labels: Technology news
Got nothing today other then. I saw this interesting topic on ViewAskew board (Kevin Smith message board) and the topic was 'People who aren't traditionally sexy, that you'd bonk.'
So I'm going to lay it out for y'all play it out.I'm going to go first and hand on heart I must say i find Leelee Sobieski attractive (above). She looks weird and isn't your traditional girl i would go for but i don't know what it is about her...
So what's yours?
Labels: Celebrities
Apparantly Len Wiseman the director of underworld 1 and 2 and live free or die hard is in talks about directing gears of war and a remake of escape from new york which is like why bother?? i thought its good for itys time and is a cult case im surprised how much the guy over at AICN hates his work...bastard you go make a movie!!!
Labels: Movie News
Labels: JLA, Movie News
First let me say that I'm against this idea of a JLA movie. I might hate Superman Returns with a passion and wanted it to fail miserably because watching a 2.5hr movie of some Super Dead beat dad mooping around is not my kind of Superhero movie because Superman, the greatest superhero deserves better, ALOT BETTER then what that hack Bryan Singer gave us.
I don't know what to think because on the one side I'm happy and laughing at all the Superman Returns lovers but at the same time I don't want to see Superman being jerked around like this.
All of this makes a lot of sense. Moriarty over at Aint It Cool ran a news item this weekend saying that Warner Bros execs were looking closely at the Justice League script, which had been done lickety-split. Miller just made WB a bunch of money with his CG penguin film, and they’re feeling pretty high on him. And the buzz going around is that the Man of Steel movie won’t happen but that the next Superman feature will essentially be this.
Well, now the same source is now telling me that GEORGE MILLER the writer director of MAD MAX, BABE and the recent Oscar winner for HAPPY FEET is circling...get this...Warner Brother's JUSTICE LEAGUE OF AMERICA!
Latino Review
My spidey senses are tingling at the truth to all these rumours because Latino Review were one of the first that got the scoop that Heath Ledger was going to be The Joker.
Time will tell if DC/WB choose the right path. I reckon they are keeping a close eye on The Watchman since its similar to JLA.
man this is the it place to get in touch with comic book geeks and major stars!!!!
check out iron man - the hype is really buzzing for this movie...
also wall-e the new pixar movie looks cool - worth checking out
and indianna jones 4 - bloody hell man comicon is so huge even non related comic book stuff are just being screened for the hell of it...
Labels: wall-e iron man indy 4 comicon
Larger image of the poster is uploaded (Click to check it out). Now under the title Furious.
Upon a closer look of the poster and where the statue of liberty head is missing it looks like whatever this thing is, its got claw like hands.
Labels: Cloverfield