My Superman

Here's mine...

Commentary for my superman.

Ok so it was 2 in the arvo and i was flipping through various Superman comics to get info on this iconic superhero.

When Arnarkin first choose Supes, i was kind of amped as sometimes this is needed for Supes since he is kind of dull and boring at times. But after going through numerous sources and recreating Supes... I had a feeling this was going to be harder then i thought.

So where did I begin, first i thought he needed a little bit of armour. Not so much in the heavy armour as batman or anything but something light and a lightness armour that still gave him a presence of heroism and at the same time still hold the superhero icon thing.

Secondly was the cape given that his cape was his thing I didn't want to do anything crazy or else it wouldn't be Superman anymore. Thus making me design a collar thing that's connected to the cape. Then i decided that it would look a little cooler if he had shoulder pad thing which connected to his cape and logo hence the armour thing,

Thirdly was a redesign of the logo and i must admit at the time looked alright, but if i had to re-do it now i would of went for something a little more round. My initial idea was to based the new logo on the symbol that was used in Smallville TV show.

Lastly was the markings on his head. This was a quick one at the last minute i decided to put in my initial idea was to have him with long hair but i thought that if he did the trademark s shape curls won't be there but after a hard long though i went this guy has enough S's on his body so i gave him alien like markings on his face. As with the markings it also

I'll probably lose this one due to missing element of having his super powers not being there.

Can't wait for Arn and Greasy's Supes, EraserX was pretty nice kinda amazed how quick he did his.


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