Ace ventura 3??

i really like what aint it cool news has to say about franchises... if they are doing it just for the love of money then whats the point??

apparantly jim carey will not reprise his role for this one(good idea), if they are going to go with a ace ventura Jr. then its doomed to fail!!

look out for Untitled Underworld Prequel scheduled for 2009!!!

1 Comment:

  1. infinite said...
    What the hell Ace Ventura 3. If Jim Carey isn't there. They should just scrap it.

    Anyone remember Son of Mask. That movie tanked.

    You know Water World isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It's alright... Would i ever buy it on dvd? Hell No. Oh little bit of trivia i think Joss Whedon was once attached to Water World.

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