
Not much has been revealed about the movie Cloverfield. Other then it was shown as a trailer during the Transformers release in the States.

A lot of people are saying its a new Godzilla movie. But i disagree due to the fact that if this was a Godzilla movie why in the hell would you call it Cloverfield and the font they have used for the Cloverfield title is more suited to a supernatural/Sci-Fi action thriller. Over at AICN, They are saying the thing that causes the explosion is a thing called 'The Parasites'

From what i saw in the trailer this movie looks sweet and has got me salivating wanting to know more. I can say now that JJ Abrams is one of greatest masters of deception or they got some slick production/marketing crew behind this movie.

So check it out before it gets taken down.


  1. Anonymous said...
    i read an article and ppl are speculating it might be an adaptation of dark tower by stephen kin which is now a comic book adaptation....and that jj was also invloved with that not too long ago>>???
    infinite said...
    Read the AICN link. The dude says that it is not Dark Tower.

    Did you see the trailer... I'm amped.
    Anonymous said...
    ok i did more reading and it sound like a monster movie... that taken from different points of view alla blair witch looks cool

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