First director announced for the special 6 ep Origins is none other then Kevin Smith. I have a sneaking suspicion that Joss Whedon is going to direct an episode. Why do I suspect this because

a). It gives Joss Whedon freedom without having to hamper his movie writing schedule.
b). Joss tends to write about young girls growing up and dealing with change and what better way then Heroes ala 'X-men, Kitty Pride'
c). Most likely good friends with Marvel/Jeph Loeb so yeah do the Math? hehe

Smith told the audience that he did not watch the show when it originally aired, but that he and his wife downloaded the entire first season on iTunes and watched every episode in two and a half days. Smith loved the cliffhangers the show had and said that due to the addictive nature of the show, he would keep suggesting they continue on to the next episode. Or as he put it, "I know the kid is downstairs waiting to be fed, but let's watch another one!"

Hot Sauce


  1. Anonymous said...
    dude that guy is such a busy yeh cant wait for more heroes!!
    Distressed Jo said...
    me neither, when is the next season due out??
    Anonymous said...
    i dont know ur the hearoes dude i learnt them through you!!!
    infinite said...
    September my friends.

    So not too far off... To bad we got wait until April to see Kevin Smith's origins story.

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