Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. So, Bryan Singer's sequel to SUPERMAN RETURNS is moving forward. That'll be good news for a lot of people and bad news for others. I know the fanbase is divided on Singer's take on SUPERMAN RETURNS. I personally liked the movie, flaws and all. I think it was too closely married to Richard Donner's universe. I wish Singer had felt free enough to make a Superman movie that didn't fall plot point to plot point in line with the 1978 film. I want to see Lex really be an evil bastard, not someone who surrounds himself with idiots and wants more beachfront property.

At Comic-Con last year Singer promised his sequel to RETURNS would be more WRATH OF KHAN, something really big on the tension and action. I think that's smart. We all know Superman loves Lois. It's great, but I'm ready to see Superman really be put to the test.

Kevin Spacey will be back as Lex Luthor. I'd like to see a new villain, but I'd love to see Lex manipulating the situation. Not in the jokey way that Hackman did in SUPERMAN 2, but really be a bastard.

Michael Dougherty is scripting now and Singer will helm the project after the WW2 actioneer VALKYRIE and drama THE MAYOR OF CASTRO STREET. The idea is to go into production next year for a 2009 release.


  1. infinite said...
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    infinite said...
    Superman:MoS vs Lex vs Giant Kryptonite Rock

    'nuff said

    Very pessemistic about this movie i so want this to fail but at the same time i don't want to see Supes go down like this.

    I was thinking this the other day. Should Singer gets pulled out of the Supes project. Who would have the balls to take over what he has started?

    I mean you got the kid that everyone hates, Lex is campy, the relationship with Lois is in tatters, kryptonite doesn't do shit to Superman when he can lift a giant fucking rock full of kryptonite...
    Anonymous said...
    dude relax man!!! hahaha

    metal gear looks friggin sweet but the ps3 is way to expensive

    the wii looks affordable

    and resindent evil 5 in africa?? they're getting stretching abit arent they??

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