The movie which is code-named Cloverfield, is a big New York Monster movie from the perspective of a small group of people with consumer video cameras. Produced by JJ Abrams (Lost, Alias), directed by Matt Reeves (Felicity) and written by Drew Goddard (Lost, Alias), the film is being shot for around $30 million ( is that right??). The movie is scheduled to hit theaters on January 18th 2008.

the latest discovery so far is the Slusho website, which might be connected to the movie. The Cloverfield trailer shows Mike Vogul wearing a shirt with the Slusho logo (during the news broadcast), which is a pretty good sign. also noticed is that the "party" picture at, has Slusho in it as well. The guy pouring a drink into Rob on the left seems to be wearing a Slusho shirt. It's just a blur, but you can almost make out the Slusho pattern and colors. Connected? Check it out yourself...and you be the judge!


  1. infinite said...
    Found out Drew Goddard has done Buffy/Angel written stuff aswell and i think Firefly?
    Anonymous said...
    yeh im not sure about firefly but definitely buffy and angel and i believe felicity - sean

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