Got sent this information this morning. Pretty cool news about physicist being able to manipulate gravity or something rather and making things float.

The force is due to neither electrical charge or gravity, for example, but the fluctuations in all-pervasive energy fields in the intervening empty space between the objects and is one reason atoms stick together, also explaining a “dry glue” effect that enables a gecko to walk across a ceiling.
I always thought it was possible to do this with the use of the positive and negative polars in magnets (I think that's what they are called?)... but my friend said it wouldn't work because the floor would then be needed to be magnetised. *Slaps forehead* 'D'uh'

Hot Sauce


  1. Anonymous said...
    photshoped serious yeh i would have thought magnets as well as i remember way back some consiracy nut said thats how UFO's flew using some giant magnet creating machine..anyway its prob a long way off..
    infinite said...
    Dunno... But whatever it is that person (lady) whose holding the thing needs some moisturiser on her fingers... hehe

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