worth mentioning

apparantly ice cube is going to developing a comic book movie with dimension (whens the last time you heard them do something note worthy besides van dam movies)

It's kind of a BATTLE ROYALE-ish tale about a man who receives a letter that appears to be a piece of junk mail telling him that he's in a competition with 9 others. The idea is whomever is left alive wins. He throws it out, not paying it any mind... until a man with an ax appears at his doorstep.

sounds interesting

apparantly george a romero is doing yet another zombie flick - get this - a cross between blair witch and night of living dead...his movies may have been cool back in the 70's but creating 1 dimentional characters who do nothing better than badly act and die really easily isnt a good movie...

new line and peter jackson are going to mend their bridges pertaining to the new hobbit movie currently in the works...fan outcry has forced one exec who ledgedly owes jackson a nice cut of the multy billion dollar franchise to bury the hatchet and get him involved

in other news voltron is going to be set in a post apocaliptic new york and mexico?? wtf

kevin smith is making a porno..j/k hes making a new film titled "zack and miri make a porno" where Rosario Dawson just dropped out, but apparantly Jason Bateman will play the male lead.

And Warner Bros to buy rights to "Maintenance" a comic book from oni press for McG to produce and possibly direct.


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