Not much but it does give a few tidbits. I know that Claire's new boyfriend has the ability to fly. .. Hopefully Ch7 will be keeping update with the tv show aired in the USA. As they said they were going to show Heroes on Ch7 24hours after its been aired in the states. Which is good because I won't need to download any torrents.

Well enjoy and see you on September the 24.


  1. Distressed Jo said...
    Holy COW I CANNOT wait, it's such entertaining tv viewing!!

    I also hope they keep to the plan of 24 hrs after aired in USA. Is that confirmed?
    infinite said...
    I read somewhere that ch7 were trying to combat people downloading tv shows... because they were too far apart from the usa, so they are deciding to air them closer to usa airings.

    So don't take my word a gospel but i'm pretty sure they are going for a closer airing. If not 24hrs apart then i say a day or 2 apart.
    Distressed Jo said...
    Very True... The first season lagged behind here big time that Sean and I had seen it all way before it even aired...

    So to keep it interesting with viewers here, they shouldn't have it so far apart...

    Well, here's hopin'...

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