Casino Royale

Finally got around to watching Casino Royale after hearing so many mixed reactions from 'Top Bond flick' to '...Close the shop, Casino Royale is crapola'. So with that in mind i decided to watch it and judge it on its own merits.

When I first heard they were doing a Casino Royale and QT was interested my interest in the new 007 skyrocketed because he was going to bring Bond back to his 007 roots and make into his own arthouse flick. But QT never got the job and someone else was going to do it but base it on Ian Flemming book Casino Royale and said that it was going to be grittier and more realistic which was cool because the last 007 flicks have really sucked balls.

The movie Casino Royale has some cool action scenes especially in the beginning where he chasing some dude through the construction sites of Madagascar but then I find myself feeling weirded out it at the same time because it feels too much like the Bourne series and that there lies the biggest problem I think i had with Casino Royale.

After watching it I can say that Daniel Craig is not Bond material. Because his deliverance of Bond was anything but crap. When he talks it sounds like a mumbling idiot, plus he doesn't even look the Bond part, he looked more like Bond villain more which could have been easily done if you slapped a knife slash scar across his face. I would have chosen Christian Bale for 007, because in my head i picture 007 as someone like Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins, a playboy of sorts and bit up himself but you don't hate the guy because he's so darn good.

As for the Bond girls well you can never go wrong. ;)

So with that i give the movie a 3/5.


  1. Anonymous said...
    yeh i thought craig wasnt a conventional bond type and it is a departure from the over the top bond films of late but as a film as a whole - top movie

    bourne series sucked cos of crappy editing and inexperienced directing!!
    infinite said...
    No way!!!, Bourne series owns this movie in the ten folds. Casino ROyale ain't got nothing on Bourne.

    But see i like that sort over the top element of the Bond series. Where you have your wild and crazy villains like Dr.No and Jaws.
    Anonymous said...
    yeh true that was a staple of the series fro a long time - but the thing about the bourne series that i hated was the crappy editing wheree you dont see jack coz each fram e is like a tenth of a second gonna watch it again to confirm!!

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