The plan had always been to follow The Ultimates with an X-Men relaunch where I would write the three main X-books and we were going to have Hitchy plus two other artists on these books for a year. I plotted my stories way back in 2004 so this is something we'd been planning for ages. We were very enthused, spoke about it on the phone almost every day and just kind of took it for granted this is what we were launching in January 2008. But last year someone casually mentioned that JMS was leaving Fantastic Four and they didn't have a new creative team in place. I tried to block it out of my head, but for the rest of the call I was just nodding and pretending to be listening, thinking how great it would be to write the real Fantastic Four book. This is like getting the keys to the family car as far as the Marvel Universe is concerned. Maybe even more than Spider-Man.
I know these guys are pretty hot stuff in the comic world. But i haven't read a lot of there stuff but there Ultimates run was pretty cool. Which reminds me to get some of their stuff when I'm down at Kino's. Hot Sauce

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    hitch is my new no.1 fav artist even though hes slow you know WHY!! seeing as jim lee found him good enought o work for him hes gots to be good

    miller is a funny bastard and i recogmend anything but the marvel knights spiderman he did

    def check wanted!!! angelina jolie to star in movie!!

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